October 1, 2023
INDEPENDENT PLAYERS presents Collected Stories by Donald Margulies
As its first production of its 46 th Season, Independent Players proudly presents Collected
Stories by Donald Margulies at the Elgin Arts Showcase, Fridays through Sundays September 29-30,
October 1, 6-8, 2023. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30 PM and Sunday performances
are at 2:00 PM. Collected Stories is directed by Larry Boller who has previously directed twenty-one
plays and acted in eleven other productions for IP. It stars Marge Uhlarik-Boller, who has performed
in eleven IP productions in past seasons. Her co-star, Crystal Skipworth, is making her debut with IP in
this production. (Welcome Crystal!). Incidentally, this is not IP’s first production of a Margulies play.
Boller directed Margulies’ fine play Dinner With Friends in 2003 which, incidentally, won the 2000
Pulitzer Prize.
For information, call (847) 697-7374.
We hope to see YOU at the show!
Online ticket sales for this event are closed.